Tuesday 5 August 2008

An Award

I have received this award from María Jesús. Thank you so much for considering me! You have to pass it to 8 people
There's a text that comes along with it and it says "We all love blogs, most of them are aiming at sharing the wonderful creations and make friends; though there are some who don't seem to be interested when we give them awards and in this way they don't contribute to spread them. Do we want to stop them or spread them? so let's try to pay more attention to them.
here are my 8 ladies

He recibido este premio de María Jesús. Muchas gracias por considerarme.
Este premio vien acompañado de un pequeño texto que dice:
"A todas nos encantan los blogs, en la mayoría sus objetivos son mostrar las maravillas y hacer amistades; hay personas que no se interesan cuando les damos un premio y de esta manera contribuyen a cortar esos lazos; ¿queremos que se corten o se propaguen? Entonces tratemos de prestar mas atención a ellos!"
Debemos entregarlo a 8 bloggeras que deben hacer lo mismo y poner el texto.


pescbrico said...

Congratulation on you award! and thanks for thinking of me! :)
I love your baby cards! :)

Sonia said...

Felicidades por tu premio Ana.

Sony :)

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